Friday 9 October 2015

electronics component(resistor)

Electronics component 

now i am going to explain some things about electronics which is simple but useful for specially for  electronics student .
lets starts from resistance

every one knows about resistance: what do you mean by resistor 

simple way it produce obstacle for current. 
current is like water ,take a example :
A resistor is a device in which electricity cannot pass through it easily. When certain amount electricity is allowed to pass through a resistor, the electrical energy is changed into another form.The other form of energy is usually light or heat. The working principle of bulb is that electricity is passed through the filament usually tungsten, which is a resistor. The energy is converted to and released as light and heat..its symbol is  ohm .
Figure 1: Resistor
symbol of resister  is 
Figure 2: Resistor Symbol

this symbol is know as IEEE.

one other symbol of resister is 
it is know as IEC 
Figure 3: Resistor Symbol

there are many type of resister in electronics 
variable resister also know as potentiometer.

its IEEE symbol is 

Figure 4: Potentiometer Symbol

potentiometer used in many things like fan regulator.
potentiometer IEC symbol is 
full form of IEC ( International Electrotechnical Commission)
full form of IEEE  (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)    
other resistor are called RHEOSTAT 
 it is also comes under 
the variable resistor.

it is similar as potentiometer it works also same as variable resistor 
it name is different .
its IEEE symbol is 

Figure 6: Rheostat Symbol
its symbol is different from potentiometer and 
its IEC symbol 
Figure 7: Rheostat Symbol

resistance is the property of resistor . every one called resistance but it is called resistor.
resistor is also divided on basis of temperature 
NTC its full form is negative temp. coefficient .
PTC its full form is positive temp. coefficient.
lets go for temp. dependent resister
its work on NTC and PTC . 

temp . increase its resistance value decrease 
other one is light dependent resistor(LDR)it is also called photo resistor .according to its name it work on sensitivity of light . its resistor value change according to light intensity ,it symbol is IEEE
 Fig: LDR Symbol
Image result for photo resistor
this is fig of LDR .
its IEC symbol is 
above fig a symbol is given its IEC symbol.
about LDR 
it is made of  highly resistance  semiconductor .generally its used in mega(ohm).
its mechanism is excitation of electron .when sunlight fall LDR photon activate outer electron due this it jump to conduction band .
its dependent on frequency of light .
LDR it made of undoped semiconductor and also say that pure semiconductor .
NETWORK resistor
it is made of group of resistor  it means inside the resistor two or many resistor are generally comes two form 
1.single in-line package 
2.dual in-line package 
Network Resistors
it is used to reduce the space of circuit board.
its use in computer and use as resistor ladder .
it is also variable resistor. its one good things is it acts as diode character ,it means that it is non linear follow non linear current voltage character .it is also called voltage dependent resistor.

its most common type is metal oxide varistor. it made of zinc oxide which provide p-n character .
It is also a variable resistor .it adjust by rotatory screw drive .it mounted in circuit board .it vary exponentially in its value.

in next post we study about  color coding of any resistor 

  • it may of 3 BAND OR 4BAND 5 BAND and short to remember the value of resistor .when you see any resistor any give the answer. 

Sunday 7 June 2015

starting of universe

The universe was born with the Big Bang as an unimaginably hot, dense point. When the universe was just 10-34 of a second or so old — that is, a hundredth of a billionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second in age — it experienced an incredible burst of expansion known as inflation, in which space itself expanded faster than the speed of light. During this period, the universe doubled in size at least 90 times, going from subatomic-sized to golf-ball-sized almost instantaneously.
According to NASA, after inflation the growth of the universe continued, but at a slower rate. As space expanded, the universe cooled and matter formed. One second after the Big Bang, the universe was filled with neutrons, protons, electrons, anti-electrons, photons and neutrinos.
During the first three minutes of the universe, the light elements were born during a process known as Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Temperatures cooled from 100 nonillion (1032) Kelvin to 1 billion (109) Kelvin, and protons and neutrons collided to make deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen. Most of the deuterium combined to make helium, and trace amounts of lithium were also generated.
For the first 380,000 years or so, the universe was essentially too hot for light to shine, according to France's National Center of Space Research (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales,or CNES). The heat of creation smashed atoms together with enough force to break them up into a dense plasma, an opaque soup of protons, neutrons and electrons that scattered light like fog.
Roughly 380,000 years after the Big Bang, matter cooled enough for atoms to form during the era of recombination, resulting in a transparent, electrically neutral gas, according to NASA. This set loose the initial flash of light created during the Big Bang, which is detectable today as cosmic microwave background radiation. However, after this point, the universe was plunged into darkness, since no stars or any other bright objects had formed yet.
About 400 million years after the Big Bang, the universe began to emerge from the cosmic dark ages during the epoch of reionization. During this time, which lasted more than a half-billion years, clumps of gas collapsed enough to form the first stars and galaxies, whose energetic ultraviolet light ionized and destroyed most of the neutral hydrogen.
Although the expansion of the universe gradually slowed down as the matter in the universe pulled on itself via gravity, about 5 or 6 billion years after the Big Bang, according to NASA, a mysterious force now called dark energy began speeding up the expansion of the universe again, a phenomenon that continues today.

The Big Bang

The Big Bang did not occur as an explosion in the usual way one think about such things, despite one might gather from its name. The universe did not expand into space, as space did not exist before the universe, according to NASA Instead, it is better to think of the Big Bang as the simultaneous appearance of space everywhere in the universe. The universe has not expanded from any one spot since the Big Bang — rather, space itself has been stretching, and carrying matter with it.
Since the universe by its definition encompasses all of space and time as we know it, NASA says it is beyond the model of the Big Bang to say what the universe is expanding into or what gave rise to the Big Bang. Although there are models that speculate about these questions, none of them have made realistically testable predictions as of yet.
In 2014, scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announced that they had found a faint signal in the cosmic microwave background that could be the first direct evidence of gravitational waves, themselves considered a "smoking gun" for the Big Bang. The findings werehotly debated, but the search for these mysterious ripples continues.


The universe is currently estimated at roughly 13.8 billion years old, give or take 130 million years. In comparison, the solar system is only about 4.6 billion years old.
This estimate came from measuring the composition of matter and energy density in the universe. This allowed researchers to compute how fast the universe expanded in the past. With that knowledge, they could turn the clock back and extrapolate when the Big Bang happened. The time between then and now is the age of the universe.


Scientists think that in the earliest moments of the universe, there was no structure to it to speak of, with matter and energy distributed nearly uniformly throughout. According to NASA, the gravitational pull of small fluctuations in the density of matter back then gave rise to the vast web-like structure of stars and emptiness seen today. Dense regions pulled in more and more matter through gravity, and the more massive they became, the more matter they could pull in through gravity, forming starsgalaxiesand larger structures known as clusters, superclusters, filaments and walls, with "great walls" of thousands of galaxies reaching more than a billion light years in length. Less dense regions did not grow, evolving into area of seemingly empty space called voids.


Until about 30 years ago, astronomers thought that the universe was composed almost entirely of ordinary atoms, or "baryonic matter," According to NASA. However, recently there has been ever more evidence that suggests most of the ingredients making up the universe come in forms that we cannot see.
It turns out that atoms only make up 4.6 percent of the universe. Of the remainder, 23 percent is made up of dark matter, which is likely composed of one or more species of subatomic particles that interact very weakly with ordinary matter, and 72 percent is made of dark energy, which apparently is driving the accelerating expansion of the universe.
When it comes to the atoms we are familiar with, hydrogen makes up about 75 percent, while helium makes up about 25 percent, with heavier elements making up only a tiny fraction of the universe's atoms, according to NASA.


The shape of the universe and whether or not it is finite or infinite in extent depends on the struggle between the rate of its expansion and the pull of gravity. The strength of the pull in question depends in part on the density of the matter in the universe.
If the density of the universe exceeds a specific critical value, then the universe is "closed" and "positive curved" like the surface of a sphere. This means light beams that are initially parallel will converge slowly, eventually cross and return back to their starting point, if the universe lasts long enough. If so, according to NASA, the universe is not infinite but has no end, just as the area on the surface of a sphere is not infinite but has no beginning or end to speak of. The universe will eventually stop expanding and start collapsing in on itself, the so-called "Big Crunch."
If the density of the universe is less than this critical density, then the geometry of space is "open" and "negatively curved" like the surface of a saddle. If so, the universe has no bounds, and will expand forever.
If the density of the universe exactly equals the critical density, then the geometry of the universe is "flat" with zero curvature like a sheet of paper, according to NASA. If so, the universe has no bounds and will expand forever, but the rate of expansion will gradually approach zero after an infinite amount of time. Recent measurements suggest that the universe is flat with only a 2 percent margin of error.
It is possible that the universe has a more complicated shape overall while seeming to possess a different curvature. For instance, the universe could have the shape of a torus, or doughnut.

Expanding universe

In the 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered the universe was not static. Rather, it was expanding, a find that revealed the universe was apparently born in a Big Bang.
After that, it was long thought the gravity of matter in the universe was certain to slow the expansion of the universe. Then, in 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope's observations of very distant supernovae revealed that a long time ago, the universe was expanding more slowly than it is today. In other words, the expansion of the universe was not slowing due to gravity, but instead inexplicably was accelerating. The name for the unknown force driving this accelerating expansion is dark energy, and it remains one of the greatest mysteries in science.

according to holy book universe is rise from a point only .there is many universe is present about to be 28 to 29.if  we are not able to go in other universe but we assume that their may be humans and earth like planet be present

Sunday 17 May 2015

parallel universe

parallel universe:
generally we think that we are present one place at a time but it is wrong  because we are present two place any a time. just i ask a question : send the answer why we feel that when we go for some place ,we feel that we came there before.this is due to parallel universe theory .
our clone are present in other universe where same thing like here it means like earth other same place like america are present but one thing is different time and technology they may be more developed in science.

The World is Not Enough: A New Theory of Parallel Universes is Proposed

Do we exist in a space and time shared by many worlds? And are all these infinite worlds interacting? (Credit: Do-Da)

Do we exist in a space and time shared by many worlds? And are all these infinite worlds interacting? A new theory of everything is making the case.
Imagine if you were told that the world is simple and exactly as it seems, but that there is an infinite number of worlds just like ours. They share the same space and time, and interact with each other. These worlds behave as Newton first envisioned, except that the slightest interactions of the infinite number create nuances and deviations from the Newtonian mechanics. What could be deterministic is swayed by many worlds to become the unpredictable.
This is the new theory about parallel universes explained by Australian and American theorists in a paper published in the journal Physics Review X. Called  the “Many Interacting Worlds” theory (MIW), the paper explains that rather than standing apart, an infinite number of universes share the same space and time as ours. They show that their theory can explain quantum mechanical effects while leaving open the choice of theory to explain the universe at large scales. This is a fascinating new variant of Multiverse Theory that, in a sense, creates not just a doppelganger of everyone but an infinite number of them all overlaying each other in the same space and time.
Rather than island universes as proposed by other theories, Many Interacting Worlds (MIW) proposes many all lying within one space and time. (Photo Credit: Public Domain)
Rather than island universes as proposed by other multiverse theories, Many Interacting Worlds (MIW) proposes many all lying within one space and time.
Cosmology is a study in which practitioners must transcend their five senses. Einstein referred to thought experiments, and Dr. Stephen Hawking — surviving and persevering despite having ALS — has spent decades wondering about the Universe and developing new theories, all within his mind.
The “Many Interacting Worlds” theory, presented by Michael Hall and Howard Wiseman from Griffith University in Australia, and Dirk-André Deckert from the University of California, Davis, differs from previous multiverse theories in that the worlds — as they refer to universes — coincide with each other, and are not just parallel.
The theorists explain that while the interactions are subtle, the interaction of an infinite number of worlds can explain quantum phenomena such as barrier tunneling in solid state electronics, can be used to calculate quantum ground states, and, as they state, “at least qualitatively” reproduce the results of the double-slit experiment.
Schrödinger, in explaining his wave function and the interaction of two particles (EPR paradox) coined the term “entanglement”. In effect, the MIW theory is an entanglement of an infinite number of worlds but not in terms of a wave function. The theorists state that they were compelled to develop MIW theory to eliminate the need for a wave function to explain the Universe. It is quite likely that Einstein would have seen MIW as very appealing considering his unwillingness to accept the principles laid down by the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Theory.
While MIW theory can reproduce some of the most distinctive quantum phenomena, the theorists emphasize that MIW is in an early phase of development. They state that the theory is not yet as mature as long-standing unification theories. In their paper, they use Newtonian physics to keep their proofs simple. Presenting this new “many worlds” theory indicates they had achieved a level of confidence in its integrity such that other theorists can use it as a starter kit – peer review but also expand upon it to explain more worldly phenomena.
Hall compares MIW to the classical theory of ideal gases and partial pressures. He says:
Two worlds of many act as if they are two gases A & B within a volume of space. In the words of the theorists, “It would be as if the A gas and B gas were completely oblivious to each other unless every single A molecule were close to its B partner. Such an interaction is quite unlike anything in classical physics, and it is clear that our hypothetical A-composed observer would have no experience of the world in its everyday observations, but by careful experiment might detect a subtle and nonlocal action on the molecules of its world. Such action, though involving very many, rather than just two, worlds, is what we propose could lie behind the subtle and nonlocal character of quantum mechanics.”
Two of the perpetrators of the century long problem of unifying General Relativity Theory and Quantum Physics, A. Einstein, E. Schroedinger.
Two of the perpetrators of the century-long problem of unifying General Relativity Theory and Quantum Physics – Albert Einstein, Erwin Schroedinger.
The theorists continue by expounding that MIW could lead to new predictions. If correct, then new predictions would challenge experimentalists and observers to recreate or search for the effects. Such was the case for Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. For example, the bending of the path of light by gravity and astronomer Eddington’s observing starlight bending around Sun during a total Solar Eclipse. Such new predictions and confirmation would begin to stand MIW theory apart from the many other theories of everything.
Hall, Deckert, and Wiseman continue – “Regarded as a fundamental physical theory in its own right, the MIW approach may also lead to new predictions arising from the restriction to a finite number of worlds. Finally, it provides a natural discretization of the Holland-Poirier approach, which may be useful for numerical purposes.
Multiverse theories have gained notoriety in recent years through the books and media presentations of Dr. Michio Kaku of the City College of New York and Dr. Brian Greene of Columbia University, New York City. Dr. Green presented a series of episodes delving into the nature of the Universe on PBS called “The Fabric of the Universe” and “The Elegant Universe”. The presentations were based on his books such as “The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos.”
Hugh Everett’s reinterpretation of Dr. Richard Feynman’s cosmological theory, that the world is a weighted sum of alternative histories, states that when particles interact, reality bifurcates into a set of parallel streams, each being a different possible outcome. In contrast to Feynmann’s theory and Everett’s interpretation, the parallel worlds of MIW do not bifurcate but simply exist in the same space and time.  MIW’s parallel worlds are not a consequence of “quantum behavior” but are rather the drivers of it.
Professor Howard Wiseman, Director of Griffith University's Centre for Quantum Dynamics and coauthor of the paper on the "Many Interacting World" theory. (Photo Credit: Griffith University)
Professor Howard Wiseman, Director of Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics and coauthor of the paper on the “Many Interacting World” theory. (Photo Credit: Griffith University)
Hall states in the paper that simple Newtonian Physics can explain how all these worlds evolve. This, they explain, can be used effectively as a first approximation in testing and expanding on their theory, MIW. Certainly, Einstein’s Special and General Theories of Relativity completes the Newtonian equations and are not dismissed by MIW. However, the paper begins with the simpler model using Newtonian physics and even explains that some fundamental behavior of quantum mechanics unfolds from a universe comprised of just two interacting worlds.
So what is next for the Many Interacting Worlds theory? Time will tell. Theorists and experimentalists shall begin to evaluate its assertions and its solutions to explain known behavior in our Universe. With new predictions, the new challenger to Unified Field Theory (the theory of everything) will be harder to ignore or file away with the wide array of theories of the last 100 years. Einstein’s theories began to reveal that our world exudes behavior that defies our sensibility but he could not accept the assertions of Quantum Theory. Einstein’s retort to Bohr was “God does not throw dice.” The MIW theory of Hall, Deckert, and Wiseman might be what Einstein was seeking until the end of his life. For MIW theory, one world is not enough and for these many worlds their interactions might be compared to a martini shaken but not stirred.
in some experiment we see that one electron are present in two place at a time so it is a molecule ,we are also made of molecule so we also may be present in two different place at a time.

In 1954, a young Princeton University doctoral candidate named Hugh Everett III came up with a radical idea: That there exist parallel universes, exactly like our ­universe. These universes are all related to ours; indeed, they branch off from ours, and our universe is branched off of others. Within these parallel universes, our wars have had different outcomes than the ones we know. Species that are extinct in our universe have evolved and adapted in others. In other universes, we humans may have become extinct.
This thought boggles the mind and yet, it is still comprehensible. Notions of parallel universes or dimensions that resemble our own have appeared in works of science fiction and have been used as explanations for metaphysics. But why would a young up-and-coming physicist possibly risk his future career by posing a theory about parallel universes?
With his Many-Worlds theory, Everett was attempting to answer a rather sticky question related toquantum physics: Why does quantum matter behave erratically? The quantum level is the smallest one science has detected so far. The study of quantum physics began in 1900, when the physicist Max Planck first introduced the concept to the scientific world. Planck's study of radiation yielded some unusual findings that contradicted classical physical laws. These findings suggested that there are other laws at work in the universe, operating on a deeper level than the one we know.

now there is many thing in this so u also think about it
this  is explain by only time time concept those who under stand the time ,they can solve parallel universe concept .first we go for time ,what is time ? no one give the exact answer of in next article on the topic of time how its work .

Wednesday 6 May 2015

About alien

Alien . every one wants to know about alien,where are they ,what they eat .
main question is they attack own us or not .and they have more power then us.

The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures".[1]People claiming to have been abducted are usually called "abductees"[2] or "experiencers".
Due to a paucity of objective physical evidence, most scientists and mental health professionals dismiss the phenomenon as "deception, suggestibility (fantasy-proneness, hypnotizability, false memory syndrome), personality, sleep paralysis,psychopathologypsychodynamics [and] environmental factors".[3] Skeptic Robert Sheaffer sees similarity between the aliens depicted in early science fiction films, in particular, Invaders From Mars, and some of those reported to have actually abducted people.[4]
Typical claims involve being subjected to a forced medical examination that emphasizes their reproductive system.[5]Abductees sometimes claim to have been warned against environmental abuse and the dangers of nuclear weapons.[6]While many of these claimed encounters are described as terrifying, some have been viewed as pleasurable or transformative.
The first alleged alien abduction claim to be widely publicized was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction in 1961.[7] Reports of the abduction phenomenon have been made around the world, but are most common in English speaking countries, especially the United States.[4] The contents of the abduction narrative often seem to vary with the home culture of the alleged abductee.[4]

Flying Saucers and UFOs   are Alien Spacecraft                                           Newspaper Headline: UFOs Seen       

  • What UFO really means.  
  • Flying Saucers are vehicles.
  • The first Flying Saucers.
  • Sizes and shapes of Flying Saucers.                                                        
No More UFOs
A suggestion: try to stop using the term UFO. I know this is a tall order. UFO is part of our national vocabulary and is ingrained in our culture. Even on this website I use the term because it's easy to say and write quickly. But, whenever possible, try to use the term flying saucer or alien spacecraft instead. Here are some reasons why:
UFO originally meant Unconventional flying object, not unidentified flying object. The military has known since the 1940s that these were intelligently piloted craft. To confirm this, simply review the Air Force intelligence documents from 1958, which appear in the Government Information section.
The term flying saucer has been used in hundreds of government and military intelligence documents precisely because they are known to be flying, piloted craft. A change in mind-set is needed. It is not just a matter of semantics; it is similar to the difference between referring to someone as a victim or a survivor.
If you saw what appeared to be a boat several miles out in the ocean, you would not say, "Hey, I see a UFO, an unidentified floating object." You would make the assumption it is an example of an intelligently piloted craft that we commonly call a boat. Whether you were actually right or wrong is beside the point. It may actually have been a whale or a buoy. However, you empowered yourself to make an intelligent assessment and committed to it. When you say this you are saying you have some idea of what you saw and people will generally take your assessment at face value.
However, when you say you saw a UFO, you are confirming in your own words that what you saw is unidentified; you have no idea what you saw, or if you saw anything at all, so why should anybody listen?
Craft, Not Clouds
Flying saucers are not like clouds just drifting by. They are more like cars on a freeway; they contain "people" (alien beings) in them and they are on their way to or from a specific destination. Please spend some time thinking about this, since it is an important concept. When you fully embrace this idea you will begin to see the flying-saucer phenomenon in a new light, and some more of the pieces will begin to fall into place.
UFOs pacing passenger plane
Commercial pilots report being paced by Alien saucers
Origin of the Term
The first reported modern-day sighting of flying saucers occurred on June 24, 1947. A private pilot, Kenneth Arnold, spotted nine disk-shaped objects flying in formation over the Cascade Mountains in the state of Washington. Based on this sighting the term flying saucers was born. The following July 29, 1947, Arnold saw approximately twenty-five more alien spacecraft that flew within four hundred yards of his plane. An official CIA account of Kenneth Arnold's sightings is included in the Government Documents section.
Keep in mind the year these sightings occurred: 1947. In 1947 flying craft of any kind, even airplanes, were rarely seen by citizens. In 1947 it is estimated that less than 1 percent of the American population had ever seen a helicopter. And, for all intents and purposes, there was no television.
UFOs that kenneth Arnold saw
 Kenneth Arnold spotted these crescent disks in 1947
Sizes and Shapes of Flying Saucers
Besides the classic "saucer" shape of these alien craft, there are many other forms that have been seen by civilians and noted in military documents. Alien spacecraft sightings have also been reported in ancient texts as well as in the Bible. There are as many configurations of craft as there are shapes of cars and trucks on our planet. Here are some of the ones seen most often:
Saucer or Disk-shaped Craft
These come in different configurations and sizes. Some have small domes or cupolas on top, and some do not. The dome configuration can be rounded or square. These are known to be primarily scout ships and short-range research vehicles.
Cigar-shaped Craft
These vehicles are generally larger than saucers. They are known to be small mother ships containing eight to ten saucer-shaped craft. They are long and cylindrical with a taper at both ends; thus the name.
Cigar shaped alien craft
Huge 'Cigar' craft release smaller flying saucers
Triangle-shaped Craft
These ships are huge; many stretch over several miles along a single edge. These are the craft that were sighted over Belgium in the wave of sightings taking place there in 1989-1990. It is estimated that over 70 percent of the entire population of Belgium saw these craft firsthand, and as a result,Belgium is the only country that officially recognizes the existence of flying saucers.
Large triangle craft
Super-sized 'Triangle' ships are seen world wide
These craft are also gigantic. They differ somewhat from the triangle-shaped craft in that one arm of the boomerang ship is longer than the other. These are the sort of craft that have been seen and videotaped by thousands of citizens in PhoenixArizona in March and April 1997.
Giant Cylinders
Very large craft, a thousand feet or more in length (picture a 70 story building on its side). These craft are not tapered. Many photographs of these have been taken. In photos they look just like a giant, hovering telephone pole on its side and don't look like a craft at all.
The Roswell Craft
One of the most famous flying saucers of all time, the Roswell craft was not really shaped like a flying saucer. Researcher and forensic artist Bill McDonald has reconstructed the Roswell alien spacecraft from several eyewitness testimonies. Bill received confirmation from contacts he has within the U.S. intelligence community. It was McDonald's re-creation of the craft that the Testor Model Company used for their commercially sold scale model.
Roswell craft hit by lightning
Roswell Craft hit by lightning
McDonald's intelligence agency sources have stated that Jack Northrup and Kelly Johnson, who were the founders of Northrop and Lockheed's "Skunk Works," had direct access to the data and configuration measurements of the Roswell spacecraft.1 It was said that this information was adapted and applied to the development of the X-33 and X-38 aerospace shuttle planes, NASA's space shuttles, the VentureStar, U.S. Stealth aircraft, TR-3 Black Manta.
The Roswell craft inspired a military vehicle that looks very much like the V-shaped Stealth aircraft the U.S. military built years later.

Other Characteristics of Flying Saucers
There are a few characteristics of flying saucers that are not generally known to the public at large. Although these characteristics are never depicted in the movies, you should know about them.
The Wobble
Flying saucers often wobble when they fly. It is very pronounced at lower speeds, giving the saucer a surreal look. It is often this characteristic which first draws the viewer's attention.
This wobble immediately distinguishes the flight of a flying saucer from that of an airplane. It was the wobble that attracted pilot Kenneth Arnold's attention to the first saucers, which he spotted in 1947.
When a saucer is caught on videotape, people often think the tape is fake because of the wobble. It is reminiscent of a model rocket wobbling on a string like in the old Buck Rogers movies. The wobble is thought to be caused by fluctuations of waves in the electromagnetic fields that the saucers use to overcome gravity. To imagine how it looks, think of a high-speed boat bouncing off the water as it moves forward.
Morphing Disks
Another characteristic of these alien craft is morphing; that is, the shape of the saucer changes right before your eyes. Often a saucer will elongate and become a cigar-shaped craft. This transmutation effect has also been caught on videotape.
Jaime Maussan, a reporter and investigator for a show similar to our 60 Minutes in Mexico, has thousands of videotapes, all from different individuals, showing this morphing capability. Maussan has collected over five thousand videotapes of flying saucers from the citizens of Mexico, including many videos taken of the same craft shot at the same time from many different parts of Mexico City. In Mexico, Jaime Maussan is as well known and as well respected as Dan Rather or Peter Jennings.
Jaime Maussan has videotapes that show over fifty flying saucers at one time. They often hold themselves stationary while forming strange designs, like some kind of array of symbols in the sky. This isn't as dramatic as landing on the White House lawn, but it's pretty close.
In March 1998 Jaime told me, "Nobody in Mexico laughs at UFOs. Nobody. They are frequently around the volcano, which now has the strongest electromagnetic field in the world.  There have been times when all the traffic in Mexico City was stopped, with millions of people standing outside their cars pointing to the skies. Yet, not one American newspaper has ever carried the story."2

Hyperspace Jumps
Videotapes have also captured what have come to be known as "hyperspace jumps." This is when a flying saucer will jump a distance of fifteen to twenty miles in less than one-tenth of a second. Basically the craft is disappearing and reappearing in another location almost instantly. To the viewer, from a distance it looks like a "jump."
Different Names for Flying Saucers
Flying saucers are a world-wide phenomenon. They are called different things in different countries. In Mexico they are known as "flying plates." InChina they are known as "flying woks." In many European countries they are known as "flying shields." This term originated in ancient times and continues in use today in Europe. For background on the origin of this term, see Section Two: UFOs In History.
Sizes of the Craft
Just as with the shapes, there is a wide variety of sizes. Most of the flying saucers we see are scout ships and are about thirty feet across. Their size is often deceiving because although there are larger disks, which are also seen, they are sometimes seen at a great distance and they appear smaller than they actually are.
Some Are Huge
As I mentioned earlier, some of these ships appearing in our atmosphere are huge! People regularly report seeing craft several miles across. A woman in Phoenix was driving with her two sons when a boomerang craft flew over them and hovered over the isolated stretch of highway where they were traveling. Out of fear, she accelerated to over eighty-five miles per hour. One of her teenage sons decided to time how long it would take them to get from beneath the craft. He started timing well after they had driven under the craft, and it took them just over two minutes at eighty-five miles an hour to get from under the wingspan of the ship. That makes the wingspan approximately three miles across!
Satellite Photos
Some of these large craft have been caught on film by our orbiting weather satellites. Judging by the grid on the camera lens and knowing the distance of the satellite's orbit, calculations show these craft to be hundreds of miles across! I have included more of these satellite photos in Section: “Watch The Skies.”
Satellite image picks up UFO
Satellite images routinely pick up Alien spacecraft
Estimating Sizes
I don't know about you, but I have difficulty gauging sizes and distances. For instance, if someone says an object is three hundred feet away, I don't have a clue how far that is. On the state driving test, the words "stay a hundred feet behind the next vehicle" mean nothing to me. But, I do like football, so I can gauge a hundred yards pretty accurately.  I also get a clear picture if someone tells me a building is ten stories tall. For some reason, it's easy for me to relate to.
Now I use the reference of a building to help me understand how big something is. For example, it is often reported that flying saucers are about fifty feet across. Translated, this means it was as long as a four-story building on its side. That's pretty big. Bigger than the words fifty feet seem to indicate to me.
Six hundred Feet Across
We found several military sources who have seen craft six hundred feet across. That's a forty-five story building on its side. That's large!
Building sized craft
Building sized spacecraft
Folding Space
Just a little teaser to whet your imagination. Aliens beings have the ability to "fold" space. I cover this in more detail later, but here's what this means in relation to space-craft size: Often, the inside of the saucer is much larger than it appears to be from the outside. People who have worked on recovered craft often recall doing a double-take when they first stick their heads inside of a flying saucer. They can't believe it can be that big inside and they pull their head out to look at the outside of the craft. They are in total disbelief. What appears to be a thirty-foot craft on the outside is three times that size on the inside.
  every one seen in movies like koyi mill gya  ,in this movies they  the imagin the face of alien . it may be it is more unique face which may afraid us .we do not know exactly about the alien .what they do .in some place many UFO seen which  may be useful and dangerous . 

Friday 1 May 2015

10 th unknown planet in world

July 29, 2005: "It's definitely bigger than Pluto." So says Dr. Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology who announced today the discovery of a new planet in the outer solar system.
see captionThe planet, which hasn't been officially named yet, was found by Brown and colleagues using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory near San Diego. It is currently about 97 times farther from the sun than Earth, or 97 Astronomical Units (AU). For comparison, Pluto is 40 AU from the sun.
Right: An artist's concept of the new planet. [More]
This places the new planet more or less in the Kuiper Belt, a dark realm beyond Neptune where thousands of small icy bodies orbit the sun. The planet appears to be typical of Kuiper Belt objects--only much bigger. Its sheer size in relation to the nine known planets means that it can only be classified as a planet itself, Brown says.
Backyard astronomers with large telescopes can see the new planet. But don't expect to be impressed: It looks like a dim speck of light, visual magnitude 19, moving very slowly against the starry background. "It is currently almost directly overhead in the early-morning eastern sky in the constellation Cetus," notes Brown.
The planet was discovered by, in addition to Brown, Chad Trujillo, of the Gemini Observatory in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and David Rabinowitz, of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. They first photographed the new planet with the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope on October 31, 2003. The object was so far away, however, that its motion was not detected until they reanalyzed the data in January of this year. In the last seven months, the scientists have been studying the planet to better estimate its size and its motions.
"We are 100 percent confident that this is the first object bigger than Pluto ever found in the outer solar system," Brown adds.
see caption
Right: The new planet, circled in white, moves across a field of stars on Oct. 21, 2003. The three photos were taken about 90 minutes apart. Image credit: Samuel Oschin Telescope, Palomar Observatory. [More]
Telescopes have not yet revealed the planet's disk. To estimate how big it is, the astronomers must rely on measurements of the planet's brightness. Like all planets, this new one presumably shines by reflecting sunlight. The bigger the planet, generally speaking, the bigger the reflection. The reflectance, the fraction of light that bounces off the planet, is not yet known. Nevertheless, it is possible to set limits on the planet's diameter:
"Even if it reflected 100 percent of the light reaching it, it would still be as big as Pluto," says Brown. Pluto is 1400 miles (2300 km) wide. "I'd say it's probably [about] one and a half times the size of Pluto, but we're not sure."
A planet larger than Pluto has been discovered in the outlying regions of the solar system. 

The planet was discovered using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory near San Diego, Calif. The discovery was announced today by planetary scientist Dr. Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., whose research is partly funded by NASA. 

time-lapse image of planet 2003UB313, which is circled
Image above: These time-lapse images of a newfound planet in our solar system, called 2003UB313, were taken on Oct. 21, 2003, using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, Calif. The planet, circled in white, is seen moving across a field of stars. The three images were taken about 90 minutes apart. Scientists did not discover that the object in these pictures was a planet until Jan. 8, 2005. Image credit: Samuel Oschin Telescope, Palomar Observatory
+ Highest resolution image available
+ More images
+ Quicktime (CC): Narrated overview of discovery

The planet is a typical member of the Kuiper belt, but its sheer size in relation to the nine known planets means that it can only be classified as a planet, Brown said. Currently about 97 times further from the sun than the Earth, the planet is the farthest-known object in the solar system, and the third brightest of the Kuiper belt objects. 

"It will be visible with a telescope over the next six months and is currently almost directly overhead in the early-morning eastern sky, in the constellation Cetus," said Brown, who made the discovery with colleagues Chad Trujillo, of the Gemini Observatory in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and David Rabinowitz, of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., on January 8. 

Brown, Trujillo and Rabinowitz first photographed the new planet with the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope on October 31, 2003. However, the object was so far away that its motion was not detected until they reanalyzed the data in January of this year. In the last seven months, the scientists have been studying the planet to better estimate its size and its motions. 

"It's definitely bigger than Pluto," said Brown, who is a professor of planetary astronomy. 

Scientists can infer the size of a solar system object by its brightness, just as one can infer the size of a faraway light bulb if one knows its wattage. The reflectance of the planet is not yet known. Scientists can not yet tell how much light from the sun is reflected away, but the amount of light the planet reflects puts a lower limit on its size. 

"Even if it reflected 100 percent of the light reaching it, it would still be as big as Pluto," says Brown. "I'd say it's probably one and a half times the size of Pluto, but we're not sure yet of the final size. 

"We are 100 percent confident that this is the first object bigger than Pluto ever found in the outer solar system," Brown added. 

A name for the new planet has been proposed by the discoverers to the International Astronomical Union, and they are awaiting the decision of this body before announcing the name. 

History of planet:

The History of How We Discovered All the Planets in the Solar System
The innermost planet in our solar system, Mercury orbits our sun between just under 70 million and 46 million kilometers. Ancient astronomers knew of the planet's speed around the sun: Assyrian astronomers associated it with gods such as Nabu, the scribe and messenger to the gods, while the Greeks named the body Mercury, the messenger of the gods. The association is apt: the planet has a short year of 88 days in all.
In 1631, astronomer Pierre Gassendi first observed Mercury making a transit across the sun, and just a couple of years later, another astronomer, Giovanni Zupi discovered phases, indicating that the planet orbited the sun. Other astronomers followed, making incremental discoveries along the way: Italian Astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli observed the planet, and concluded that Mercury was tidally locked with the sun.
More discoveries came during the modern era of space exploration: much more about the planet has been found recently. Soviet scientists first used radar to study the planet in the early 1960s, while scientists at Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory Radio Telescope discovered that the planet in fact rotated once every 59 days, rather than 88 as previously thought. In 1974, Mariner 10 first visits the planet, making several passes, mapping the surface, and in 2008, the MESSENGER satellite marked a return to the planet, where it's currently in orbit.
The History of How We Discovered All the Planets in the Solar System
The second planet in the solar system, Venus is the brightest of the planets as observed Earth. As a result, it's been studied since ancient times, with the first records coming from the Babylonians, who named the planet Ishtar. The Romans viewed Venus as the goddess of beauty, while the Mayans believed that the planet was the brother of the Sun. In 1610, Galileo Galilei observed phases of Venus, confirming that the planet did indeed orbit the sun. Due to the planet's thick atmosphere, observation of the surface wasn't possible until the 1960s, but many believed that Venus harbored life, due to the planet's similar size to Earth.
In 1958, radar imagery found that the planet's surface was hot – inhospitably so. Mankind was about to get a closer look. The first attempt, the Soviet Union's Venera 1, launched in 1961, failed, but Mariner 2, launched by the United States, succeeded in a flyby confirming the planet's temperature and that it lacked a magnetic field. A new Soviet mission, Venera 4, successfully reached Venus and sent back information about its atmosphere before it burned up during entry. Several additional probe followed: Mariner 5, Venera 5 and 6, before Venera 7 successfully landed, becoming the first manmade object to land on another planet while Venera 8, landed two years later. Both were destroyed by the planet's heat and pressure, but the Soviet Union continued to send probes: 9 through 12 took pictures and gathered information on the planet's geology. NASA also continued to send probes: Pioneer 12 orbited the planet for 14 years, mapping the surface, while Pioneer 13 sent several probes down to the surface.
The History of How We Discovered All the Planets in the Solar System
Earth has been continually observed by humanity as long as we've been around. But, while we knew we stood on solid ground, the true nature of our home took a little while longer to figure out. For many centuries, humanity believed that Earth wasn't an object such as those that they observed above them: everything was thought to revolve around us. As early as Aristotle, philosophers had determined that Earth was spherical by observing its shadow against the Moon.
Mikołaj Kopernik – known as Nicholas Copernicus posited a Heliocentric view of the solar system as early as 1514. Titled De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres), the book was first published in 1543, challenged the conventional wisdom of the day. The theory was controversial, but was followed up by Johannes Kepler with his three volume work, Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae (Epitome of Copernican Astronomy). Kepler had devised three laws of planetary motion: "Planets move around the Sun in ellipses, with the Sun at one focus", "the line connecting the Sun to a planet sweeps equal areas in equal times" and "the square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube (3rd power) of the mean distance from the Sun in (or in other words—of the "semi-major axis" of the ellipse, half the sum of smallest and greatest distance from the Sun)". These laws helped define the motion of the planets and allowed us the first real idea that our solar system was vastly different than previously thought. Kepler's theories weren't popular at first, but eventually caught on in Europe. At the same time that Copernicus was publishing his views, Ferdinand Magellan's expedition was able to circumnavigate the globe in 1519.
However, it wasn't until October 24th, 1946 when we first got a look at our home world when the first picture of Earth was taken from a modified V-2 Rocket fired from the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
The History of How We Discovered All the Planets in the Solar System
The blood-red fourth planet of our solar system has long been associated with the Roman God of war, bearing the same name: Mars. Where many people thought that Venus might very well enjoy an earth-like atmosphere, there were similar thoughts about Mars. Most notoriously, astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli examined the planet through a telescope in 1877, describing a number of features, which he described as Canali. The mistranslated word was understood to mean that he had discovered Canals on Mars, and by extension, people assumed that they were artificial. Twenty years later, another astronomer, Camille Flammarion, further identified the features as artificial, and the general public generally assumed that the planet could support life. Undoubtedly, the public's perception led to the rise of a number of Mars-oriented SF novels, such as The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells, and Edgar Rice Burrough's John Carter series.
Advances in telescopic technology that came later allowed for new observations of the planet. Astronomers were able to measure the temperature of the planet, determine its atmospheric content and it's mass. Throughout the 1960s, the Soviet Union attempted to send eight probes towards Mars, each resulting in failure, although several additional orbiters that followed in the 1970s were successful in orbiting the planet. NASA would have poor luck with the Mariner 3 mission, but Mariner 4, launched in 1964, successfully flew by the planet, taking readings as it did so, revealing a dead world. Mariner 9 would later orbit the planet, further adding to our knowledge of the planet. Where those missions were the scouts, the Viking missions represented the initial invasion: On July 20th, 1976, the probe touched down on the planet for an unprecedented mission that would last for until 1982. Viking 2 followed shortly thereafter, landing in September 1976, remaining in operation until 1980.
Despite the mission's success, it wasn't until 1997 that the Mars Pathfinder mission successfully landed on Mars, the first mobile rover to be landed on a planetary body. A follow up mission, the Mars Climate Orbiter, failed due to human error, and several additional Mars Probes failed as well. It wasn't until 2004 when NASA launched the Mars Exploration Rover Mission with the Spirit and Opportunity rovers that a successful landing was made. The rovers outdid everyone's expectations, and it wasn't until 2011 that their missions were closed down. In 2012, NASA successfully landed the Curiosity Rover, which landed on August 6th, 2012, where it has begun to perform its duties.
The History of How We Discovered All the Planets in the Solar System
The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter has long been watched since ancient times. It helped guide the Chinese 12 year cycle, and the planet was named for the king of the Roman gods. It also provided a big target for early astronomers. Galileo was the first to observe Jupiter's four major moons, now known as the Galilean Moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, named for Zeus's lovers. Astronomer Robert Hooke first discovered a major storm system on the gas planet, and it was confirmed by Giovanni Cassini in 1665, believed to be the first sightings of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, which was later formally recorded in 1831. Without an underlying land mass, the storms of Jupiter are free to rage on, and the feature has remained on the planet since. Astronomers Giovanni Borelli and Cassini, using orbital tables and mathematics, discovered something odd: Jupiter, when in opposition to Earth, appeared to be seventeen minutes behind their calculations, lending the indications that light was not an instantaneous phenomenon.
As observations advanced in the 1900s, other discoveries were made: While using a radio telescope to study the Crab Nebula between 1954 and 1955, astronomer Bernard Berke was hampered by interference from one part of the sky, and eventually found that Jupiter was emitting the waves as part of the planet's radiation. In 1973, the Pioneer missions became the first probes to fly past the planet, taking a number of close-up pictures. In 1977, two space probe missions were launched from Earth: Voyagers 1 and 2, designed to explore the outer planets of the Solar system. They first reached Jupiter two years later: Voyager 1 arrived in March 1979, and Voyager 2 arrived on July 1979. Both uncovered a wealth of new information about the planet and its moons before they left, uncovering a small ring system and a number of additional moons. Other robotic missions have since followed: the Ulysses mission arrived in 1992, the Galileo probes orbited the planet in 1995, Cassini flew past in 2000, and New Horizons passed by in 2007. In 1994, scientists observed an astonishing event: a planetary impact, when the Shoemaker-Levy comet crashed into the Jupiter's southern horizon, leaving enormous impact scars in the planet's atmosphere. Currently, there are efforts underway to examine Jupiter's moons, thought to be the next best candidates for life.
The History of How We Discovered All the Planets in the Solar System
Our system's sixth planet from the Sun is possibly one of the most striking, and is the last classically recognized planet: the Romans named the planet for their God of Agriculture. However, it wasn't until Galileo turned his attention to the planet in 1610 before the planet's dominant feature was uncovered when. While he studied the planet's features, he believed he'd uncovered several orbiting moons. However, it wasn't until 1655, when Christiaan Huygens, with a more powerful telescope, discovered that the feature was actually a ring that encircled the entire planet. Shortly thereafter, he uncovered the Saturn's first moon, Titan. During his own observations, Giovanni Cassini, in 1671, uncovered four additional moons: Iapetus, Rhea, Tethys and Dione and a gap in the planet's rings, leading him to believe that the ringswere made up of smaller particles. In 1789, German astronomer William Herschel noted two additional moons: Mimas and Enceladus, and over the next hundred years, two other satellites were found: Hyperion, in 1848, and Phoebe, in 1899.
As NASA began to explore the outer planets, Saturn would first be visited by the Pioneer 11 mission in September 1979, taking a number of pictures. The twin Voyager probes would come next, in 1980 and 1981, taking high resolution pictures. The planet became a divergent point for the pair: Voyager 1 used Saturn to arc out of the Solar System, while Voyager 2 was directed to Uranus. The planet wouldn't be visited again until 2004 with the Cassini mission, which orbited the planet and studied its moons, where it remains today.
The History of How We Discovered All the Planets in the Solar System
The seventh planet, Uranus, is hard to detect without the aid of a telescope, and thus, the planet doesn't have the same long history as its other neighbors. Watching the skies in December 1690, astronomer John Flamsteed first noted the planet, but identified it as a star, which he named 34 Tauri. It wasn't until March 13th, 1781 that Herschel first believed that the star that he was studying was a comet. It wasn't until he began to study the object's orbit when he found that it was nearly circular, leading him to believe that it was in fact a planet. Herschel named the planet Georgium Sidus, in honor of King George III, but the eventually the planet was named Uranus, after Chronos. It's discovery was sensational, the furthest known object in the solar system. In the 19th century, astronomers noted something odd about the planet's orbit: it didn't quite follow mathematical theories, and it deviated from its course. It was clearly being influenced by something further out in the Solar system.
The planet's most unusual feature is its orientation: rather than rotating like the other planets in the system, Uranus rotates on its side, with its rings and moons orbiting in bulls-eye pattern. The underlying reasons for this are unknown, and have at times been attributed to a planetary collision. However, in 2009, members of the Paris Observatory theorized that a moon in the planetary disk, formed while the planet was in its infant stages, could have made the planet wobble. In 1986, the Voyager 2 probe passed by Uranus, examining the planet's atmosphere and discovering a number of additional moons and the planet's ring system. It was the first and only probe to reach the planet, and at this point, no further missions are planned.
The History of How We Discovered All the Planets in the Solar System
The last ‘official' planet in our solar system is Neptune. Orbiting 30 AU from the Sun, it's the first planet to have been discovered through mathematics, rather than direct observation. Astronomers studying Uranus found that the planet was deviating from their predictions, and attempted to uncover the problem. The planet's orbit was already known to have been influenced by the other major bodies in the Solar System, but even with the calculations at hand, Uranus was defying expectations. In 1835, Halley's Comet reached its perihelion slightly later than predicted, leading astronomers to believe that there was an additional body in the system that was influencing Uranus.
Astronomers began to look further out for something that would explain the planet's movements. Astronomers in both England and France began to crunch the numbers: John Couch Adams and Urbain Le Verrier. Between 1843 and 1845, Adams worked out the calculations, but was rebuffed by the Royal Astronomical Society. Le Verrier found a similar reception, and turned to Johann Gottfried Galle, who, following Le Verrier's instructions, discovered the new planet exactly where it was predicted to be on September 23rd, 1846. The next month, an English astronomer discovered Neptune's moon Triton. The solar system instantly doubled in size with the discovery.
Neptune would be visited by the Voyager 2 probe on August 25th, 1989, where it took readings of the planet, and was directed to examine Triton, where it came very close to the planet's atmosphere and fellow moon Nereid. At the same time, it was discovered that the planet was extremely warm, putting out more heat than it received, and that it featured a turbulent atmosphere with a ‘Great Dark Spot', similar to Jupiter's ‘Great Red Spot'. From Neptune, Voyager 2 has since left the Solar System, where it continues out into deep space.

The history of the discovery of the solar system is in and of itself an interesting way to look at the history of science, and of humanity's understanding of our closer neighbors. The study of our planets has changed how we look at the world around us and recognize our place in the universe.
In world every thing is related to each other like our mind linked with other person mind ,this theory is not given in any book its my view ,if u wants to observed these things i give a way to know this things .u fell that in your life when you think something other friend say same thing at a time this  is not coincidence this is due to inter link of mind . if u want to read about this u wait for next page.