Friday 9 October 2015

electronics component(resistor)

Electronics component 

now i am going to explain some things about electronics which is simple but useful for specially for  electronics student .
lets starts from resistance

every one knows about resistance: what do you mean by resistor 

simple way it produce obstacle for current. 
current is like water ,take a example :
A resistor is a device in which electricity cannot pass through it easily. When certain amount electricity is allowed to pass through a resistor, the electrical energy is changed into another form.The other form of energy is usually light or heat. The working principle of bulb is that electricity is passed through the filament usually tungsten, which is a resistor. The energy is converted to and released as light and heat..its symbol is  ohm .
Figure 1: Resistor
symbol of resister  is 
Figure 2: Resistor Symbol

this symbol is know as IEEE.

one other symbol of resister is 
it is know as IEC 
Figure 3: Resistor Symbol

there are many type of resister in electronics 
variable resister also know as potentiometer.

its IEEE symbol is 

Figure 4: Potentiometer Symbol

potentiometer used in many things like fan regulator.
potentiometer IEC symbol is 
full form of IEC ( International Electrotechnical Commission)
full form of IEEE  (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)    
other resistor are called RHEOSTAT 
 it is also comes under 
the variable resistor.

it is similar as potentiometer it works also same as variable resistor 
it name is different .
its IEEE symbol is 

Figure 6: Rheostat Symbol
its symbol is different from potentiometer and 
its IEC symbol 
Figure 7: Rheostat Symbol

resistance is the property of resistor . every one called resistance but it is called resistor.
resistor is also divided on basis of temperature 
NTC its full form is negative temp. coefficient .
PTC its full form is positive temp. coefficient.
lets go for temp. dependent resister
its work on NTC and PTC . 

temp . increase its resistance value decrease 
other one is light dependent resistor(LDR)it is also called photo resistor .according to its name it work on sensitivity of light . its resistor value change according to light intensity ,it symbol is IEEE
 Fig: LDR Symbol
Image result for photo resistor
this is fig of LDR .
its IEC symbol is 
above fig a symbol is given its IEC symbol.
about LDR 
it is made of  highly resistance  semiconductor .generally its used in mega(ohm).
its mechanism is excitation of electron .when sunlight fall LDR photon activate outer electron due this it jump to conduction band .
its dependent on frequency of light .
LDR it made of undoped semiconductor and also say that pure semiconductor .
NETWORK resistor
it is made of group of resistor  it means inside the resistor two or many resistor are generally comes two form 
1.single in-line package 
2.dual in-line package 
Network Resistors
it is used to reduce the space of circuit board.
its use in computer and use as resistor ladder .
it is also variable resistor. its one good things is it acts as diode character ,it means that it is non linear follow non linear current voltage character .it is also called voltage dependent resistor.

its most common type is metal oxide varistor. it made of zinc oxide which provide p-n character .
It is also a variable resistor .it adjust by rotatory screw drive .it mounted in circuit board .it vary exponentially in its value.

in next post we study about  color coding of any resistor 

  • it may of 3 BAND OR 4BAND 5 BAND and short to remember the value of resistor .when you see any resistor any give the answer. 

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